Create Store


In order to create a PostGIS store, we’ll need a PostgreSQL username and password.

We’ll use the geodb database and geouser user we created ealier.

Add Store

1. On the left menu, click “Stores”

../../_images/store-1.png ../../_images/spacer5.png

2. Click the “Add new store” link

../../_images/store-2.png ../../_images/spacer5.png

3. Under the Vector Data Store section, click “PostGIS”

../../_images/store-3.png ../../_images/spacer5.png

4. In the Workspace dropdown, selection the postgis workspace we created earlier:

../../_images/store-4.png ../../_images/spacer5.png

5. In the name and description fields, enter ‘postgis’

../../_images/store-5.png ../../_images/spacer5.png

6. In the Connection Parameters section, enter the information for the geodb database and geouser user:

../../_images/store-credentials.png ../../_images/spacer5.png

7. Click the Save button.

Note: clicking Save will direct you to the Layers available for the store. You can publish the layers at this point, but we will do so in next section “Add a Layer”

../../_images/new-layer-store.png ../../_images/spacer5.png